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Board of Governors



Rossmar Board of Governors has eight members.  We are made up of our Principal, two Parent representatives, one teacher representative then members representing the Education Authority and Department of Education.  We are a selection of people from across the community.  We meet at least once per term. 


Our role is to ensure the Pupils in Rossmar are having adequate delivery of the Curriculum and to ensure School Policies are in place and adhered to.  We are responsible for Staff selection.  We have had an active role in making decisions regarding our new school building. 


We strive to make any pupil of Rossmar have a positive experience in their time spent with us.


Department of Education Representatives:

Mrs H Pratt           Chairperson (DE Rep) &

                            Designated Child Protection Officer

Mr J Kinkaid           Vice Chairperson


Department of Education Representatives:

Mr K Given


Education Authority, Western Region Representatives

Mrs C Spratt


Parent Representatives

Mrs D McAleese

Mr D Poston


Teacher Representative

Miss J McClelland



Mrs C Clements

Board of Governors Annual Report

Contact Details and Useful Links
