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Eco Council

Welcome to our Eco Page!
Congratulations to all the pupils who have been elected Eco-schools councillors by their class.  This year has seen a unique start to the year for Eco-schools.  We began by having Zoom meetings but have had to pause the Eco-schools for now as some of our pupils are learning from home.  We are all looking forward to a time when we can restart Eco-schools with face to face meetings. 
Our class focus this year was on reduction on paper usage in class and throughout the whole school.  We have moved into our new school and are delighted to share that teachers now have to use personal codes to release printing.  This has already led to a reduction in paper wastage in the school. 
We are also delighted with some of the new Eco-friendly features of the new school.  There is a rainwater water recycling system in operation to flush our toilets.  Lights are linked to sensors which turns them off if there is no-one in a room.  We have high-tech skylight windows which close automatically if it rains.

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