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Dear Parents/Guardians

The Eco-school group in school would like your help.

We are collecting old glasses to help the Vision Aid charity. This charity helps people in developing countries who need glasses. The glasses are recycled and the funds raised used to help.

We are also collecting old costume jewellery to help raise funds and awareness for the Happy Days charity. The charity fund Rossmar's trip to the Panto.

This Spring the school will be recycling old clothes, bedding and curtains when we take part in the Cash for Clobber collection.

Please send any of the above items in a plastic bag to your child’s school teacher. All donations are gratefully received and the work carried out by our Eco Warriors on behalf of these wonderful charities helps our pupils learn about those less fortunate than themselves. In carrying out this work it enables the pupils to learn about compassion and to feel good about themselves as they are helping others.

Thank you for your assistance

The Eco-Schools Team


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