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Friends of Rossmar



CHAIRPERSON:                 Mrs Audrey Moore

SECRETARY:                     Mrs Beth Witherow

TREAURER:                       Mrs Kerry Manning


As a group we are regularly in Rossmar School to organise fundraising events.  We are not only parents of kids that attend the school but also volunteers who want to help us.  Everyone is welcome, if it's a one-off event or if you have more time come and join us regularly. 


Over the last 4 years we have been very busy fund raising for new equipment for the new school.  We have participated in many events from quizzes, skydives, sponsored events, street collections and our own recipe book launch night. We have appreciated every penny donated. 

We would like to thank the many carers, family members, groups, organisations and businesses that have supported us. All the community has helped us greatly and the children have benefited from many sensory and outdoor equipment. 


The best reward for all the hard work that was put into the fundraising will be seeing the children’s faces playing and enjoying themselves on the new equipment, they have deserved this for so long


The new outdoor play and sensory equipment will be used for years to come not only by the existing pupils but those that will attend the school in the future.


If you have any good ideas for future fund raising events or would like to help us we would love to hear from you.  Simply send an email to our chairperson at: or private message us on our Facebook page - Friends of Rossmar School


Message from Friends of Rossmar


As we can't fundraise in person we would like to ask if you are doing your shopping online, please sign up to easyfundraising. Over 4,000 sites will give us a free donation every time you shop online. This will help us continue to support people that rely on us.


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