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The primary department of Rossmar school caters for pupils from the ages of 3-11. 

In line with our school motto we aim to grow, learn, succeed together. We believe that all pupils are individual and therefore their learning styles are individual. All pupils work within the NI Curriculum which is tailored to suit the needs of each and every pupil. Structured play is an integral part of the primary curriculum and we aim to provide opportunities to develop a child’s play skills by having learning through well-planned and well-resourced play activities. These are delivered through sand and water play, dough and clay play, creative play, construction play, dramatic play, small world play and table top activities. We also promote learning by exploring and engaging in all the new facilities in our new school- Sensory room, soft play room, total immersion room, outside play resources and Jacuzzi bath.


Various methods of communication are used in the department planned to best meet the ability of each individual pupil.  These include: 

  • Makaton 
  • PECs 
  • Objects of reference 
  • Proloquo2Go 
    We also work very closely with our outside agencies - Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Community Nursing team and Social Workers, depending on the specific needs of each pupil, again to ensure all their needs are met. 

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