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Buttercup Nursery

Welcome to Buttercup Nursery


This year in Buttercup Nursery we have 2 classes, a morning class and an afternoon class. 11 pupils attend and there are 4 staff: I'm the teacher, Joanne McCallion. Sinead O'Neill, Shauna McNerlin and Ciara McNeill are the classroom assistants.


We do lots of things in nursery and have loads of fun so you will see lots of photos and powerpoints of us doing different things so make sure and check in regularly!


In Buttercup Nursery we follow the same curriculum as mainstream nurseries but adapt it to suit our pupils' needs.

Let's meet the kids!

March in Buttercup Nursery

February in Nursery

January in Buttercup Nursery

December in Buttercup Nursery
November in Buttercup Nursery
October in Buttercup Nursery
September in Buttercup Nursery

Contact Details and Useful Links
