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Buttercup Nursery

Nursery Curriculum


In line with our school motto we aim to grow, learn, and succeed together. We believe that all pupils are individual and therefore their learning styles are individual.


As we are a nursery setting that is part of Rossmar school, children may remain here to continue their learning journey into primary 1, while others will transfer to mainstream primary schools or perhaps a language unit. Our priorities are to help each child to become as independent as possible and to reach their potential so that he or she will be able to function well in whatever setting the child will move to after Buttercup Nursery.


All pupils either have or are in the process of getting a statement of special educational needs and therefore have Individual Education Plans which are drawn up at the start of each term. Parents are invited to meetings at the start of each term to discuss IEP targets.


We see parental involvement as essential. A home/school diary and letter are sent home daily to inform parents of what has taken place throughout the day, and how their child has responded or coped with what has gone on. This also gives parents the opportunity to talk to their child about what they have done. Often photographs will be included in a weekly class newsletter or most recently by using the SeeSaw App, in order for the parent and child to look at pictures of their school day together. Feedback from parents is very important with home/school links being essential. A diary is provided and parents are encouraged to use it or to telephone to maintain clear lines of communication.


We follow the Northern Ireland Curriculum, just like any other pre-school setting, but our aim is to adapt the learning activities to meet the learning needs of every child and aid them in overcoming any barriers to their learning.


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