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R7 2016-2017

Welcome to R7.

R7 is a really busy, hard working class and we love to have fun.  All of us are lovely friends to all of the children in our school. There are ten pupils in our class, eight boys and two girls.


Our teacher is  Miss Madden and our classroom assistant is Laura Roberts. They give us lots of help and support throughout the school day frown


In our class we follow the KS3 NI curriculum and study lots of different subjects:

Literacy, Numeracy, Environment and Society, Physical Education, French, Science, Music and Drama, Home Economics, Religious Education, Learning for Life and Work, Technology and Design and Art.


We also go swimming with R8 and R9 once a week. On Thursdays we attend Limavady High School for LLW and on Fridays we have PE in St Mary's Limavady. We are learning how to get changed independently and have been enjoying lots of fun and games during PE. We love interacting with the other children in our school during these times. In our class we also have a French assistant who comes in and helps us with our French on a Wednesday.


Links with other schools

R7 link with Limavady High School for LLW lessons and with St Mary's for PE lessons.



Please look at our power points at the bottom of our class page to see what we get up to during the year.



At the bottom of our page you will also find a list of useful educational websites which you and your child may wish to access at home.

Meet our class

Below you will see powerpoints showing the different activities R7 are involved in during the year.

Contact Details and Useful Links
