Contact Details
- 028 777 62351
2 Ballyquin Road, Limavady, Northern Ireland, BT49 9ET
This Year KS3 have been very busy in the Technology and Design Suite. They have been working on their very first project in the new school build which is their own personal acrylic keyfob. They completed a lot of design work in the ICT/Planning suite so that they knew exactly what they were going to manufacture in the workshop. Pupils have also been learning about all the health and safety rules we have in the Technology and Design suite to keep ourselves and everyone else safe during the design and manufacture process.
This year the Horizons have got underway with a bench joinery unit 1. They have been given the task of putting together a research portfolio on the joinery industry and to consider all aspects of the industry. Learners have been studying the help and safety issues that are in the industry and how they can be addressed and respected.
Learners have the task of manufacturing a pot stand, using a halving joint to create a strong connection between two pieces of material. This has to be completed to certain tolerances to be accepted. Learners this year have used a wide range of tools and methods of manufacture to product their project and we hope to use a lot more this year and build our confidence with using hand tools.
2 Ballyquin Road, Limavady, Northern Ireland, BT49 9ET