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Welcome to the R10 Class page.  R10 is made up of two girls and five boys.


The class teacher is Miss McClelland.  The classroom assistant is Mrs Crawford.


R10 follow a programme which is designed to maximise the potential of each child in the class.  The programme allows the children opportunities to develop as individuals, as members of the school community and as members of the wider community.   


R10 are working towards accreditation in the following subjects


  • CEA Entry Level - Science, Physical Education, Home Economics, Learning for Life and Work
  • Occupational Studies - Bench Joinery, Bricklaying and Tiling
  • ASDAN - Personal Progress, Personal and Social development


R10 will be taking part in work experience this year.  As well as this the pupils are given opportunities to complete some volunteer work as part of the Millennium Volunteer Award.


R10 have a reputation for being a very helpful and hard working class.  We hope you enjoy our page.

Meet the Class

Literacy in R10

Science Activities

Maths in R10

Learning for Life and Work

Learning Pathways Year 10 to Horizons

Contact Details and Useful Links
